2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (Puerto Rico, May 18-22, 2013)

 Call for Papers

2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference
Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico
May 18-22, 2013

 Track: Social, Environmental and Sustainability

Deadline for Abstract Submission is November 7, 2012
Abstracts are required to be between 100 and 200 words

Abstract submission site: http://www.xcdsystem.com/iie/

Conference web site: www.iienet.org/annual

  Dear Colleagues,

 The Sustainability Division within the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) is sponsoring the Social, Environmental and Sustainability Track at the 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC).  ISERC, which is part of the IIE Annual Conference and Expo, is a forum for exchanging knowledge and discoveries in the industrial and systems engineering research community.

 As track chairs of the Social, Environmental and Sustainability Track, we would like to encourage you to contribute to the conference by submitting an abstract.  Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work in ISERC sessions. Each session will be 75 minutes and have 3 or 4 presenters. Abstracts are welcome in the following areas:


Closed loop supply chain

Creating a sustainability culture

Economics of Sustainability

Emergency and disaster logistics

Energy efficiency

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Expeditionary logistics

Humanitarian logistics

Integration of Lean and Sustainability

Integrating sustainability into business strategy

Remanufacturing and recycling

Renewable energy systems

Social and environmental decision making

Social Entrepreneurship

Sustainable communities

Sustainable design and product development

Sustainable food supply

Sustainable manufacturing and operations

Sustainable public higher education

Sustainable supply chains

Sustainability assessments

Sustainability metrics

Sustainability modeling

Sustainability transformation


We encourage all presenters to submit a full length paper for the conference proceedings.  The papers should contain results that are significant and have archival value to the industrial and systems engineering research community.  Full papers have a ten-page limit and will undergo a double-blind peer review process.  All accepted papers are indexed by ProQuest.  Presentations without a paper are acceptable, but will not be indexed in the conference proceedings. 

The important deadlines for the conference are:

  • Abstract Submissions:                                                                   November 7, 2012
  • Notification of Decision on Abstract:                                          December 5, 2012
  • Submission of Full Papers (optional but encouraged):                 January 11, 2013
  • Notification of Decision on Paper:                                               February 22, 2013
  • Final Version of Full paper Due:                                                  March 8, 2013
  • Presenting Author Registration Deadline:                                    March 15, 2013

If your abstract or paper is accepted: (a) the presenting author for the paper must register for the conference by March 15, 2013 (presentations/papers without the presenting author being registered for the conference will be withdrawn from the program and the proceedings); (b) the presenting author must attend and present the paper at the conference; and (c) we ask that you be ready to serve as a reviewer for fellow authors and follow review deadlines.

There are also opportunities to organize invited sessions, or panels.  In addition to research presentations, the annual conference offers many opportunities for attendees, including the Applied Solutions Conference program, plant tours, networking, and keynote speakers.

We look forward to seeing you in San Juan!


Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo, University of Lincoln (UK)

Gregory Weisenborn, Fort Hays State University (USA)

Social, Environmental and Sustainability Track Chairs

Logistical and supply chain issues for Lincolnshire food businesses – Select Lincolnshire & Tastes of Lincolnshire partnership

Last 10th of October, Profs. M. Hingley (University of Lincoln) and D.B. Grant (University of Hull) discussed different issues related to Logistical and Supply Chain for Lincolnshire food businesses. This event was organised by the Select Lincolnshire & Tastes of Lincolnshire partnership for their affiliates, at the Lincolnshire Leadership and Management Centre (LLMC).

Follow this link to see the presentation (Powerpoint): Taste of Lincoln – Overview of Logistics and SCM



Sustainability in the food supply chain – Closing the loop

Dr Nick Cheffins, from Peakhill Associates www.peakhill-associates.co.uk, has provide us with an illustrative document that refers to sustainability in the food supply chain. He proposes a model to close the loop between agriculture, food and renewable energy production. An application related to an attempt to establish a “mega dairy” at Nocton in Lincolnshire is also presented.

Follow this link to see the presentation (PDF): Closing the loop

Feeding the Think Tank

An exploratory meeting about the potential development of a Lincoln-based research Special Interest Group (think tank) focused on sustainability issues took place last 24th of July at the Lincolnshire Leadership and Management Centre. The aim is to contribute to the creation and dissemination of knowledge on sustainable food chains from a local/regional perspective. This forum was focused on defining meaningful questions and developing ways to answer them.
Some of these questions initially identifed to explore facets of sustainability were:
• Which are the different understandings about sustainability: their contributions, limitations, and ways to support the former and mitigate the latter.
• Supply chains: the ecological impact, effective and efficient business models, social innovation, ways for (self-)organising different stakeholders.
• Food security: local autonomy vs. global dependence, maintaining and developing skills inside the (local) workforce.
• The impact of sustainability on professions and research disciplines.

For more information follow this link: http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/6240/


Communities that behave as information systems (under review)

Coauthors: Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo; Rebecca Herron


In thinking about Information Systems (IS) it is quite usual to consider knowledge resources as something abstracted from those who use the knowledge. This suggests seeing knowledge as something that can be disengaged from a particular situation / action to become general advice. An alternative perspective is to consider collectives that act in certain ways as themselves being the information systems. These ‘information systems’ will change in response to their collective understanding of the need for (or possibilities of) action.  Furthermore, these information systems may frequently recognise the need to create new actions in the light of changing experiences. This paper looks at one response to studying such information systems.  The approach involves introducing a formal language into a collective (in this case introducing the concepts of Viable Systems Modelling into a crime-reduction partnership) and engaging the members of the collective in designing and testing this framework as co-researchers. The intention was to see if this exercise could help to make visible communication and organisational processes within the collective (the IS) and to stimulate its self-organisation.  In particular, participants were encouraged to reflect on attenuation and amplification processes within their communications and feedback systems.  The study was conducted in a small, industrial, English town with members of a cross-agency Crime Reduction Partnership. An alternative approach to Crime Reduction Partnership information development was also observed in another nearby City; the differences revealing further differences in the relationship between information and agency in both these contexts.

Keywords: Research Methodology; Human Information Systems; Collective Knowledge Acquisition; Performance Improvement; Viable Systems Modelling.

Status: Knowledge Management Research and Practice (Under review)