Lenth (2001) – Guidelines for effective sample size determination

No doubt that presents a very informative paper on why and how to define sample sizes. I recommend reading section 7 ‘Avoid Retrospective Planning’. An interesting insight involves his sentence concerning the idea that to obtain statistical significance, while ignoring scientific meaning, it is just asterisk hunting! Important for those supervisors and examiners of PhD dissertations that recommend to increase data collection in order to achieve scientific breakthroughs.

Follow this link: Lenth (2001) text

On the theory of scales of measurement (Stevens, 1946)

This is a paper that any student involved in statistics must read. It would also be of use for people that uses statistical analysis for their research. It indicates some of the challenges in measuring : “the assignment of numerals to things so as to represent facts and conventions about them”.

Follow this link: On the Theory of Scales of Measurement

Linkedin group for Sustainable Development – IIE


Sustainable Social, Economic, and Environmental Development — Institute of Industrial Engineers

There is a Linkedin group run by the Sustainability Division of the Institute of Industrial Engineers

If you are interested in Sustainable Social, Economic, and Environmental Development, it might be of your interest.

Follow this link: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2347106&trk=groups_about-h-logo